Mission Statement:
The Southeastern Minnesota Emergency Medical Services provides programs and services to emergency care providers within the eleven counties of Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, WabashA, and Winona.
The pre-hospital EMS system within this region is comprised of 44 ambulance services, (27 volunteer BLS), 5 Part-time ALS services and 9 full-time ALS Ambulance Services. Also included in the SE region is 2 rotor-wing air services and 1 fixed wing air ambulance and 75 First Responder Squads. The overall goal of the Regional EMS Program is to improve the quality of patient care by strengthening the various components of the EMS system through education and support services.
When a problem is identified that could affect the accessibility and quality of patient care, the Regional EMS program develops a program that addresses that need. The Medical Direction Consortium is one of the programs that was developed to address the common problem of not having a sufficient number of physician medical directors for pre-hospital services.
The pre-hospital EMS system within this region is comprised of 44 ambulance services, (27 volunteer BLS), 5 Part-time ALS services and 9 full-time ALS Ambulance Services. Also included in the SE region is 2 rotor-wing air services and 1 fixed wing air ambulance and 75 First Responder Squads. The overall goal of the Regional EMS Program is to improve the quality of patient care by strengthening the various components of the EMS system through education and support services.
When a problem is identified that could affect the accessibility and quality of patient care, the Regional EMS program develops a program that addresses that need. The Medical Direction Consortium is one of the programs that was developed to address the common problem of not having a sufficient number of physician medical directors for pre-hospital services.
Services Provided thourgh the Se mn ems consortium
The Medical Direction Consortium provides services as outlined in Minnesota Ambulance Statutes (4690.0100) and as deemed appropriate and beneficial by the consortium faculty and member services.
The Medical Direction Consortium provides the following services:
The Medical Direction Consortium provides the following services:
- Five educational sessions per year including any restricted procedure for which a variance has been granted (ambulance) or is recognized as advanced level care (first responder). These educational sessions will be in the local community during their regular meeting times
- Written triage, treatment and transport guidelines which establish a standard of patient care
- Ongoing run review process according to guidelines on how "immediate” and “routine” reports shall be handled
- Consultation on expanding or upgrading the level of patient care. Assists services in preparing the application for any variance request (ambulance)
- Assistance in the development and implementation of an internal quality assurance plan that includes an evaluation of level of training/care and the development of patient care goals.
- Consultation on the purchase of new equipment
- Assist services in complying with all State and Federal regulations pertaining to the operation of their service.
- Provide additional support services relating to the CISM program, personnel issues, patient care issues and Speakers Bureau for additional education
Roles and responsibilities:
One of the strengths of the Medical Direction Consortium is that all physicians and instructors are following the same guidelines and training modules. Should a situation arise when the assigned physician or instructor is not available, another faculty member could address the issue or provide the education module.
The following is a summary of the role & responsibilities for each component of the program.
Regional EMS Office Staff*
Member Services*
The following is a summary of the role & responsibilities for each component of the program.
- Available for consultation with Regional EMS office staff, instructors, other physicians, and services
- Attend a minimum of one meeting per year for each assigned service and be available for consultation as needed
- Review immediate type run reports as outlined in the Run Report Procedure and provide timely feedback to the service
- Attend an annual planning meeting (either in person, conference call, or e-mail) to review guidelines, training modules, and address program issues
- Maintain current level of state certification or licensure as a Registered Nurse, Paramedic, or Emergency Medical Technician
- Attend 5 meetings per year for each assigned service. During these meetings, instructors will:
- Present the education modules using PowerPoint, tests and skills checklist
- Review run reports with service to provide feedback on patient care that was rendered to ensure that it follows the guidelines
- Review Consortium Guideline, CD or jump drive to insure it contains the latest information from the Consortium
- Review Defibrillator Maintenance Record to ENSURE members are routinely checking equipment. Review medications, glucometer strips & control to ensure that they are within the expiration dates
- Complete the required report form and submit them to the Regional EMS office within one week of meeting
- Follow up with the Regional EMS office staff and Medical Director on any patient care issues which needs to be addressed
- Attend updates when offered by the Regional EMS office and Medical Directors
- Instructor is responsible for finding another consortium instructor if they are unable to attend an assigned class
Regional EMS Office Staff*
- Provide clerical support to Consortium including:
- Maintaining a file on each service, instructor, and physician including training records and copy of all correspondence
- Coordinating education for services including development of annual training calendar, assembling course materials & equipment, sending reminder notices of upcoming sessions, and recording information once class is completed and maintaining current education standards
- Preparing all reports (quarterly activity reports), correspondence, and licensure and variance applications
- Updating the Guidelines and Training Modules
- Contacting a physician for immediate run review for a situation which requires the Medical Director’s attention.
- Assist services in compliance with all state and federal regulations which pertain to patient care.
- Serving as a focal point for all inquires regarding the Consortium from services, physician, instructors, and other interested parties.
Member Services*
- Follow the written guidelines and standards developed by the Consortium Physicians
- Should a correction order be written by a physician, service agrees to implement change within the specified time
- ENSURE all personnel complete skill verification for all variances or advanced level skills (IV therapy) and attend continuing education sessions offered by the Consortium
- Plan educational sessions on alternate months of consortium training and schedule recertification classes through a recognized EMSRB training institution for EMT or First Responder. It is also the Services responsibility to maintain current certification on all staff members
- Keep the Regional EMS office advised of any inquiries, or situations, pertaining to the operation of the service and/or patient care that may arise
- Follow the Run Report Procedure as outlined
- Submit to the SE Regional EMS office training information from classes conducted outside of the Consortium (optional).
- Ensure all new members are trained and tested on all the SE MN Consortium mandatory modules and are familiar with Consortium guidelines prior to being placed on the Ambulance roster. Using the on-line education step followed by skill testing can complete this requirement.
| Hours |M-TH: 8:00a - 4:30p
| phone | OFFICE: (507) 536-9333
FAX: (507) 536-9337 |
| Email | |
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